How sad for America and the world that a totally worthless piece of garbage, a truly deplorable and despicable human being, a convicted felon and indicted traitor, completely devoid of intelligence, character, integrity, honor, humanity, sympathy, and empathy who does not possess a single redeeming positive human quality or value, who does not care one ounce about anyone or anything but himself and who has never performed a single totally unselfish act in his entire adult life will be sworn in as 47th President of the United States today.
For the next four years it will be very literally impossible to believe anything that is said by the President of the United States!
It is vital for the future of our freedoms and our democracy that every intelligent and patriotic American with a conscience aggressively oppose and denounce and fight to defeat every action attempted by Trump and today’s racist and repressive Religious Right controlled Republican Party, and going forward to defeat every Republican candidate for every office in every election at every level.